Saturday, January 24, 2009

Listen With Your Whole Body

I hope you enjoy listening to this artist: Evelyn Glennie. She talks about listening with open ears and an open mind. Indeed, listening with your whole body!

I also really enjoyed that she shows an exploration of the drum like we do in our Village class this week....exploring freely, no wrong answers. That's how children explore. And the feeling of absolutely no wrong answers, freedom to take risks, freedom to make hypothesis and to prove and disprove them...This is what opens the doors to a child's creativity--the freedom!

I have learned so many new ways to play music from children's exploration of instruments and music making in our classes.

So click on Evelyn Glennie and open yourself to listening as a whole body experience.

1 comment:

jupiterjenkins said...

I'm a fan of this woman's work. When I heard about her I bought her DVD. She is great!

Hope things are going well for you down there....

regards from the chilly north....

Steve Jenkins