"Laughter increases white blood cell activity and changes the chemical balance of the blood. This is believed to boost the body's production of chemicals needed for alertness and memory. Laughter reduces stress, and low stress enhances the brain's receptivity to learning. According to researchers, laughing (having fun) also boosts the body's immune system for three days-the day of the fun and the next two."
-Start Smart!: Building Brain Power in the Early Years, by Pam Schiller
Yes, laugher and fun help build neural pathways to the frontal lobes of the brain where creativity, problem solving and thinking happen. Conversely, cortisol, the horomone of flight or fright (stress) build and strengthen the neural pathways to the brain stem where attention to and action for survival is paramont. Activity in the brain stem controls heart rate, respiration, digestion, and systems that are important for survival of the species. It's not where thinking and learning happens.
By stern reprimands, arm shaking, swats to the bottom , etc, gives the average toddler a good dose of cortisol about every 9 minutes of his waking life. Adrenaline takes about a day and a half to neutralize.
By the way, adrenaline deters frontal lobe brain growth, directing growth to the brain stem instead.
This amazing information comes from an article I read by Joseph Chilton Pearce and his book The Biology of Transcendence. See my post below to watch a video of Pearce.
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