Below is the link for the new "Rhythm of My Day" theme.
This is week #3 and the home activity is about creating and weaving rituals into your day. The suggestion is one I love: When Daddy comes home sing "Hey Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. Hey Daddy, Daddy-O..." (tune: Hey Lolly) Do that for the older siblings coming home from school or in the morning when you first wake up! Other times for rituals would be diaper changing time, meal time, bath time, story time...etc. These wonderful rituals convey security and deep love between child and adults and siblings.
Becky Bailey (author of Conscious Discipline) describes the important basic elements of a loving ritual:
1. touch
2. eye contact
3. your presence
4. playfulness
Here's a perfect example for a "loving ritual" as we did today in our Saturday (9:15) Kindermusik Village class:
Wash the dishes. (rub baby's tummy)
Dry the dishes. (rub baby's back)
Ring the bell for tea. (tweak nose or push belly button and add sound effects!)
Three good wishes and three good kisses (rock, tap, or someway keep the beat)
I will give to thee. (Give the kisses!)
Go here to find out the home activities for every week:
If you are not enrolled in one of our Kindermusik classes I invite you to email me or call the Arts Center to visit a class this week!! Do come and see the magic for yourself.
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